Month: April 2019

  • Leadership Is Not an Option — It’s a Necessity

    [Note, this post originally appeared on the ProductCraft blog and the topic later informed a presentation I gave as guest instructor for ProductSchool] “What?! We couldn’t believe what we were hearing. This officer wanted our team of mentor-Marines to patrol the route with the record for the greatest number of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) ever…

  • Books I would give myself years ago




    I just inhaled Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. You should check them out too. I noticed a quote by Simon on the website of a Company I’ve come to respect. As I wrote a few articles for this company’s blog, ProductCraft, I started to reach out to leaders within the…

  • Be Brave




    I completely recommend and endorse the Brave Browser. I’ve been using it for a few years now and have really appreciated its speed and built in concern for security, privacy and ad-blocking. I got started back in the day just by reading about it, but now by partnering with Coinbase Earn, Brave has created a…

  • What can the outsider see?




    I’d like a phone number to your coffeeshop please. Today I had to drive into Raleigh for an event. I had to drive a little earlier to be there in time, and needed to take a call near my destination. So I looked for a coffee shop nearby. There was one within a block! But…