Happy Father’s day

All that I am, and all that I ever was…

Today is fathers day and I want to add my voice to that of many others in gratitude for fathers everywhere. Our species is something special with males engaged not only in procreation but in rearing the young in an involved and enduring way. Our culture is something special in expecting manhood to be earned atop of maleness and fatherhood to be earned atop of breeding.

I feel gratitude on this day. To the fathers who raised us, to the mothers who partnered with them. To my line of fathers in particular. To my wife partnering with me and to my daughter offering me this chance to join the ranks of fathers.

May we all be worthy of our forefathers, and act in the alignment of their best moments not their worst. May we be worthy of our legacy and our descendants, protecting, challenging, raising, empowering them into the mothers and fathers they too will be.


One response to “Happy Father’s day”

  1. Barbara Vogel Avatar
    Barbara Vogel

    Beautiful. Thank-you for sharing. We love you.