Me and mine: My mission, my Why is to grow Powerful People and is stated right up front on the first page.
My how and what: I’ve been a baby, child, youth, wanderer, lover, scholar, warrior, husband, father, and product manager (in that order) and continue to be them in varying degrees. I strive always to be brilliant in the basics, to set the example outline the mission and take care of the team.
Professional: Considering hiring me? Being hired by me? Mentoring one way or the other? Let me tell you about myself.
Professional and Personality tests: no astrology signs or Myers-Briggs here, but lots of other personality tests that have some level of science to them are here.
Personal: I do post personal items here about myself and my family too, if its very personal and/or shows faces of children I often password protect it if you’re a friend please feel free to ask for the password!
Then lets connect! Contact Me
This website: How does the website make money? It doesn’t!
It’s a modest cost I pay to have a place all my own that I can write what I think un-beholden to anyone else.
I am a strong believer in privacy. I am not trying to use this site to keep track of you, and I try to use tools from companies that don’t seem interested in that either. I’ve drafted a privacy policy outlining this.