Simple Security Step Saturday

About this ongoing series

This will be an ongoing archive of my Simple Security Step Saturday Posts – updated strictly as often as I feel like it.

How I make these:

  • 1 Have an idea (usually a piece from Mike Bazzels Extreme Privacy)
  • 2 record a loom video about it.
  • 3 get perplexity to punch it up for LinkedIn.
  • 4 Post it there.
  • 5 Eventually aggregate and post it here.

A fun image checklist that seems to do well on most analytics though others sometimes do better

This started to help some friends start taking simple little steps to improve their security when it feels so overwhelming to get started and try to fight back with the overwhelming aggressive surveillance.

The posts below here


Ever whispered a secret, only to realize the whole room heard? That’s our digital lives without encryption.From military ops to product launches, I’ve seen the power of secure comms. But here’s the kicker: that power is now in your pocket.
Signal Messenger. Download it. Use it. It’s that simple.

Why? Because your words matter. Your privacy matters. YOU matter. It’s not just an app. It’s a fortress for your thoughts, wrapped in simplicity.
Challenge: Send me a “hi” on Signal today. Let’s make privacy the new normal.

What’s your biggest digital security fear? Drop it below


LI Post–LYk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

28 Sep -14 Store critical supplies (water, meds, radio)

– store water and water purification options (worst case boiling)
-store food, dry, high protein quinoa and beans and others
-store fire making materials
-store trash bags
-refill your gas tank at 50%

these simple steps can make a bad week much better

(related) vid

LI post

5 Oct -15- Sign up for easy opt outs – $ 20

Simple Security Step Saturday: Reclaim Your Data
Your info is out there, owned by data brokers. Time to take it back!
Action: Use ($20/year)
-Opted me out of 115 sites
-Flagged 6 sites to check
-Auto-opted out of 10 more
Why EasyOptOuts?
-Most affordable
-Comprehensive coverage
-Recommends manual follow-ups
DIY Option: Check out Yael Grauer‘s BADBOOL BigBadDataBrokerList
$20 to opt-out of 115+ sites? Worth every penny.


LI post

12 Oct – 16 Stop plugging into USBs you dont control

USB Alert: The Silent Data Thief
Ever plugged your phone into a public USB port for a quick charge? You might be handing over your data to cybercriminals.
As a former military professional and current product manager, I’ve seen how small oversights can lead to major security breaches. Here’s a simple tip to keep you safe:
Use a USB power adapter instead of connecting directly to unknown ports.
Remember: If it can transfer data, don’t trust it with your device.
What’s your go-to method for safe charging on the go? Share your tips below!


Alt LI using x post that prompted it


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