Tag: veterans

  • Murder, homicide, disease, suicide – death touches all

    3 critical actions you might take this memorial day (CW): 1 Get help if you need it. There is no shame in seeking help. Resources are available, including the crisis line (988), emergency rooms, and mental health apps like Unwinding Anxiety and Waking Up. Medication and treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) offer hope and…

  • Innovate or die

    17 years ago, give or take, I accepted a commission as a United States Marine Corps officer. I served as a Ground Intelligence Officer. In essence, it was my job to lead my Marines to relentlessly and cleverly imagine the enemy’s most likely (EMLCOA) and most dangerous course of action (EMDCOA). This has colored my…

  • Afghan evac 15Aug21—

    As Afghanistan fell, in august of 2021 I watched the news and twitter. I started checking in on veteran buddies in signal. “How are you doing? How is this sitting with you?” No one was happy.  Eventually on August 15th I hit a friend from B-school who had gone back into the US Army. “I…

  • Another memorial day another reflection




    Another Memorial Day is here and it is always a time of reflection for me. I’ve written on it several years the past. Yes, I have friends who died serving in wars with me.Yes, we lost those wars. And now I have friends who served alongside me whose families continue to be at risk from…

  • Brilliance in the Basics – Leadership in Product Management

    In the ongoing iteration and re-iteration of what I’ve learned, how I communicate it, what I learn anew and how I convey it, we have another release. I was very lucky to get to speak on lessons in Product Management with Growth School. They kindly provided a recording link and password that I can share…

  • What this Marine learns from Malala’s Children’s book: Malala’s Magic Pencil.

    One voice can change the world. There are few books that choke me up and move me to tears. That cause a deep and aching sadness in me. There are even fewer children books that have this effect. Malala’s Magic Pencil is one of these. My oldest daughter has been getting more and more skilled…

  • There’s much to remember on this memorial day.

    Yes it’s about our departed fallen brothers and sisters in the military. Yes it’s about the gold star families that carry on somehow, even without them. Yes, it truly should also be about the world we all work to try to build on their sacrifice. Because “the dead are the only ones who have seen…

  • Chris Hrbek




    Chris Hrbek was almost always smiling. In combat he was a competent and caring leader. He was killed by a secondary IED when he dismounted his MRAP to check on his team in other vehicles after the primary IED exploded. A week earlier we were at a compound right by the strike location Then, he…

  • Chili Palmer




    This is Chili. I’ve written about him before among others. This is Chili. I didn’t  see LtCol Benjamin “Chili” Palmer smile often. But we all knew beneath his professional veneer he cared about his team. He meant so much to the team that we changed our official callsign to “Chili” in his honor. We were…

  • Mentorship in Product management – a template for you

    In the 5 years I’ve worked at IBM and been tracking it I’ve helped contribute to the hiring placement or promotion of 22+ talented folks in product. I’m more proud of that than anything else I may have done in that time. I’ve found that mentorship is a continuous activity for me. Its something I…