Tag: veterans

  • We will never arrive

    Arrival bias is a powerful thing. It’s that thing in your mind telling you “I just need to get one more thing done. THEN everything will be good. I just need to buy one more object, then life will feel better. I just need to accomplish one more task. I just need to catch up…

  • Veterans Day: Don’t thank us, join us

    Veterans Day: Don’t thank us, join us

    On this Veterans’ Day, like on previous, I call on you, my fellow citizen, not to thank us Veterans. I call on you to join us. Serve your nation and your fellow citizens, help protect and safeguard them. We are at war with a deadly Pandemic. It is killing more Americans per day than any…

  • When should we go to war?

    When should we go to war?

    (This post originally appeared on a couple other blogs where it seems to have been orphaned, posting it here to keep it alive and back dating to post date on those.) When we have to. How will we know we have to? It will be obvious to a majority of our people that we have…

  • My memories on memorial day

    I reflected on the sacrifice of some of my fellow Marines today. I posted on my new site The Art of Product War [edit later moved here] because I think it has a lot to do with purpose in work and in life. It’s not about me and it’s only some about them. For more…