A good friend of mine raised an interesting point on LinkedIn:
I drafted my genuine thoughts on the response, then fed that to Chat GPT to see if it could strengthen the point. Instead it made it more wordy, fluffy, omitted what I saw as the most insightful point, and took it in a few likely unproductive directions. This took more time, redirecting and editing from me than the original post. Could it get better? Yes. Classic innovators dilemma stuff – not serving the specific needs I have at this moment in this context, but definitely might be usable for others and improve to overtake here.
It just isn’t there yet.
take the following LinkedIn Post and response and expand my response to emphasize and grow the points I made and add at least four new additional and separate points: His Post: “Will ChatGPT and AI make LinkedIn nothing more than a virtual Rolodex (showing my age lol)? I have seen some exciting and powerful demos of new products that are rolling out that generate very smart AI-generated LinkedIn comments and even entire posts. If the content we are reading AI generated and the proportion of the comments we receive are AI-generated, is there still more profound utility on this and other platforms? In the past, you could gage interest by a thoughtful comment or a message, but if those are all personable, well crafted, and thoughtful, what is the new test for sincerity?” MY Response: “The killer feature of LinkedIn is the rolodex. It is the way to overcome Dunbars number. Delegate to a machine the human-difficult task of remembering your (professional) connection with everyone, allow people to update you on what’s changed in their lives professionally. Sure it’s missing a “notes” feature (how I know you, whats important to you, the nuggets you shared with me last we talked etc.) but that may (-and should- change soon eh J. H.? 😉) the virtual water-cooler that the feed creates has value in keeping up with one anothers thoughts and public participation but mostly, I suspect, in that it keeps us engaging and checking in and being present to get notifications about changes or to share them ourselves.”ChatGPT
“I agree with you that LinkedIn’s rolodex feature is a valuable tool for professionals to connect and stay in touch with each other. However, I think that the introduction of AI-generated content on the platform does not necessarily diminish its utility. In fact, it could potentially enhance it by allowing for more personalized and relevant content to be shared and recommended to users.
Additionally, the virtual water-cooler aspect of the feed can be a great way for professionals to stay up to date on industry news and trends, as well as exchange ideas and engage in discussions with their peers.
That being said, I do understand your concern about the potential for AI-generated content to potentially blur the lines between genuine and insincere interactions. However, I believe that there are ways to mitigate this risk, such as by clearly labeling AI-generated content as such and allowing users to easily distinguish it from human-generated content.
In terms of the test for sincerity, I think that there are still ways to gauge genuine interest and engagement on the platform, even if AI is being used to generate some of the content. For example, the number and quality of likes, comments, and shares on a post can be indicators of the level of interest and engagement it has received.
Another point to consider is that LinkedIn is not just a virtual Rolodex – it is also a platform for professionals to showcase their skills, experience, and accomplishments, and to find new job opportunities. AI-generated content could potentially help users to more effectively highlight their strengths and skills and stand out in the job market.
Finally, it’s worth noting that LinkedIn is not the only platform that is exploring the use of AI to generate content. Many other social media and communication platforms are also experimenting with this technology, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves and impacts the way we interact with each other online. “
make this more concise, maximum of 2 paragraphs, remove filler words and reincorporate my point about scale and how LinkedIn helps people overcome their brains limitations on remembering a specific number of people – AKA dunbar’s numberChatGPT
“I agree with you that the rolodex feature on LinkedIn is a valuable tool for professionals to connect and stay in touch with each other, especially given the limitations of our brains to remember a specific number of people (known as Dunbar’s number). In fact, I believe that the introduction of AI-generated content on the platform could potentially enhance its utility by allowing for more personalized and relevant content to be shared and recommended to users.
However, I do understand your concern about the potential for AI-generated content to blur the lines between genuine and insincere interactions. To mitigate this risk, it would be important for LinkedIn to clearly label AI-generated content and allow users to easily distinguish it from human-generated content. Additionally, there are still ways to gauge genuine interest and engagement on the platform, such as through the number and quality of likes, comments, and shares on a post.”
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