Category: Uncategorized
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and the Twitterstorm
One thing is for sure, people care more about Multi-factor Authentication than most people would have thought. The (unending – but the latest) news about Twitter’s fast and likely ill considered changes continues. Right now they’re talking (and trending) about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). In a nutshell, Twitter will be requiring anyone who wants to use…
What is an “Offering Manager”?
And for that matter what is an “Offering?” Or a “Product” or a “Feature” and how do you know the difference between them all? What is an Offering Manager at IBM? A Product Manager? What is an Offering? How can you tell the difference between a Product and a Feature? Why can’t you just give…
Veterans Day: Don’t thank us, join us
On this Veterans’ Day, like on previous, I call on you, my fellow citizen, not to thank us Veterans. I call on you to join us. Serve your nation and your fellow citizens, help protect and safeguard them. We are at war with a deadly Pandemic. It is killing more Americans per day than any…