Category: Meta

  • Please give this a listen or watch?

    Hi there, could you please do me a favor and listen to this brief 40 minute talk? Or if you prefer video you could watch it? Then tell me what you think?

  • Richard I Porter (dot com), now with more AI



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    So, I’ve started playing with Chat GPT-3. You should try it out too. It’s been called the iPhone moment of AI. It may be. I’m going to be using it to help in nearly all my writing for as long as it’s free. I will be tagging any post that included help from Chat GPT-3…

  • An (attempted) brief update



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    I havent posted in quite a while which in and of itself makes posting a higher barrier. Some wild things have happened since I last posted (and I will likely post and back-date to when they were more relevant later.) Major things that have happened As you can see, lots is happening and there’s lots…

  • Grow Powerful People

    I’ve settled on a more concise way to say it. It’s not that the way I had been articulating my mission is wrong. It’s more that it was longer than it needed to be and more of a how than a why. My why is to grow powerful people. My how is by learning and…

  • Beyond the Uniform guest appearance

    I was proud to be interviewed on the Beyond the Uniform Podcast with Justin Nassiri discussing career moves and some of the value Military Veterans can offer to Technology Companies. It drew and built on a lot of the work I did on The Art of Product War. Justin has delivered guidance and mentorship through…

  • Books I would give myself years ago




    I just inhaled Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. You should check them out too. I noticed a quote by Simon on the website of a Company I’ve come to respect. As I wrote a few articles for this company’s blog, ProductCraft, I started to reach out to leaders within the…

  • Be Brave




    I completely recommend and endorse the Brave Browser. I’ve been using it for a few years now and have really appreciated its speed and built in concern for security, privacy and ad-blocking. I got started back in the day just by reading about it, but now by partnering with Coinbase Earn, Brave has created a…

  • What can the outsider see?




    I’d like a phone number to your coffeeshop please. Today I had to drive into Raleigh for an event. I had to drive a little earlier to be there in time, and needed to take a call near my destination. So I looked for a coffee shop nearby. There was one within a block! But…

  • Hello world! and disclaimers




    I’m starting a blog. Again. Way back in my teenage years I think I tried this with …xanga maybe? Anyway. With the recent breaches at Facebook, Google and the surveillance capitalism business model driving social media in less predictable ways I’ve decided I need a place where I can share as accurately as I can…