Tag: books

  • Murder, homicide, disease, suicide – death touches all

    3 critical actions you might take this memorial day (CW): 1 Get help if you need it. There is no shame in seeking help. Resources are available, including the crisis line (988), emergency rooms, and mental health apps like Unwinding Anxiety and Waking Up. Medication and treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) offer hope and…

  • The lost cause

    I enjoyed this so much that I bought the book thrice! Once as an audiobook and ebook in his Kickstarter, then again as a hardcover to have it signed at his talk. And I promise I’m not only posting positively about it because I met the author or because I’m trying to be thanked by…

  • Do good with your career! 80,000 hours

    As I’ve shared before I’m driven by a personal mission in life: to grow powerful people: to learn and teach so that others can better survive and thrive through understanding knowledge! I’ve been very struck recently with the concepts of effective altruism, of doing good even better with careful consideration and measurement of impact. For…

  • Cyber Security is a Team Sport

    Cyber Security is a team sport. And it doesn’t have to be a dull compliance ridden affair with death by powerpoint, click-through web based training and mindless acceptance of each and every concept by rote. I just absolutely blazed through Cory Doctrow’s Little Brother novel series including the latest (potentially stand-alone more adult- focused) Attack…

  • Books I would give myself years ago




    I just inhaled Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. You should check them out too. I noticed a quote by Simon on the website of a Company I’ve come to respect. As I wrote a few articles for this company’s blog, ProductCraft, I started to reach out to leaders within the…