Tag: Biographical

  • I’m glad you’re in my life




    Four years ago on this day my daughter came home from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Covid had begun already, I hadn’t been able to see her for a month. With the pandemic only one parent was allowed to visit babies in the NICU. So after four long months, she was home. Around Christmas…

  • Another memorial day another reflection




    Another Memorial Day is here and it is always a time of reflection for me. I’ve written on it several years the past. Yes, I have friends who died serving in wars with me.Yes, we lost those wars. And now I have friends who served alongside me whose families continue to be at risk from…

  • Brilliance in the Basics – Leadership in Product Management

    In the ongoing iteration and re-iteration of what I’ve learned, how I communicate it, what I learn anew and how I convey it, we have another release. I was very lucky to get to speak on lessons in Product Management with Growth School. They kindly provided a recording link and password that I can share…

  • Doing Good, Better.

    I’ve finally read Doing Good Better. And I couldn’t recommend it more highly. I wish I had read this years ago (like many books.) I’m sharing my review both here and where I wrote it on GoodReads. I also gave an intro to it and shared it on YouTube or sharing-ready on LinkedIn Who should…

  • An (attempted) brief update



    in ,

    I havent posted in quite a while which in and of itself makes posting a higher barrier. Some wild things have happened since I last posted (and I will likely post and back-date to when they were more relevant later.) Major things that have happened As you can see, lots is happening and there’s lots…

  • Hello again hospital, I did not miss you.




    But I am glad you are here. And that the people that serve others are here within. We’ve returned to the hospital again. Starting three weeks ago, we brought our two year old here for trouble breathing. She’s tested negative for Covid, but positive for a few other common viruses. It has been hard. Maybe…

  • Oh, Happy (X) Day

    Oh, Happy (X) Day

    My birthday is rapidly approaching, so is the Marine Corps birthday and veteran’s day. This used to be kind of fun. Now it feels very depressing. “Happy birthday! Happy veteran’s day! Happy Marine Corps birthday! Thank you for your service!” When I observe most people saying this I feel they do so from a self-serving…

  • We will never arrive




    Arrival bias is a powerful thing. It’s that thing in your mind telling you “I just need to get one more thing done. THEN everything will be good. I just need to buy one more object, then life will feel better. I just need to accomplish one more task. I just need to catch up…

  • Protected: Time with you is never really quite enough…




    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • “Tell me about yourself”

    My mission is to grow powerful people. To do this I learn, teach, and mentor so that they can better survive and thrive. I’m passionate about purpose, people, context and culture. I’m driven, and really always have been, to help people survive and thrive by understanding knowledge. I’ve always been hungry to learn more, know…